¿Por qué Ored?

Negociación via colectivo con proveedores.

Asesoramiento juridico y contable.

Networking entre asociados.

Sobre Nosotros

Asociación que nace como apoyo a las empresas operadoras del sector de las telecomunicaciones.
Todas ofertan servicio de fibra, fijo y telefonía móvil, en zonas rurales y pequeños municipios, contamos con 16 asociados localizados principalemente en Andalucia y el Norte de España

La asociacion

Área Actualidad

Selecting Data Area Vendors

Data Space Vendors are certified service providers of safeguarded online offer rooms that comply with digital standards. These types of software tools are ideal for showing business papers inside the enterprise and with external parties. A whole lot of businesses use them to conduct M&A due diligence, but these tools could be applied for other…

The Board Room – The Place Where High-Level Decision Makers Meet

The board room certainly is the place in which the company’s best decision designers gather to make essential decisions about business strategy. It’s not unusual for these gatherings to have an effect on every single person in a company, the investors that own stocks and shares, and even the economy as a whole. Consequently ,…

Techniques for Online Safeness

Modern life can be fundamentally connected with the internet. Nearly all daily tasks have some online aspect, and most of us own a lot of devices like computers, handsets, tablets, smart watches and TVs. Due to this, the internet provides endless opportunities pertaining to learning and entertainment, but also stances risks. Cyber criminals are continuously…

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